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Interface in Java With Example

Interface are type of reference in Java. It’s similar to class. It is an abstract collection of techniques. The interface of Java is a means to create abstraction. It is possible to abstract only methods within Java’s Java interface, but not the methods body. This is utilized to create abstractness and multi-generation in Java. If… Continue reading Interface in Java With Example

Categorized as Java

PHP is set() Function

PHP isset () is used to determine whether a variable has set or not. In other words, the PHP isset() function checks whether a variable set with unset() function. If it isn’t NULL, it won’t be set. If the testing variable has a NULL value, it returns false. Syntax of PHP is set() bool Iset… Continue reading PHP is set() Function

Categorized as PHP

PHP for Loop

A for loop can be employed to determine in advance the number of times your script will run. PHP for loop can be very helpful when we want to loop over an array and then refer to a member of array by changing index. Suppose we have an array of odd numbers. To print them… Continue reading PHP for Loop

Categorized as PHP

Exception Handling in Java

An exception (or an exceptional occasion) is a situation that occurs when executing the program. When an exception occurs, the normal process of the program gets interrupted and the application/program ceases to run in a way that isn’t recommended, so it is imperative that these exceptions be dealt with. Exception handling in Java is a… Continue reading Exception Handling in Java

Categorized as Java

Interface in Java

An interface in Java is a reference type. It is similar in concept to class. It’s a collection abstract methods. A class implements an interface and inherits the abstract methods. Interfaces in Java are a way to achieve abstraction. The Java interface can only contain abstract methods, and not the method body. It is used… Continue reading Interface in Java

Categorized as Java

OOps Concept in Java Programming

OOPs concept in Java programming is based on the notions of abstraction, encapsulation inheritance and polymorphism. Users create objects and then come with methods for dealing objects. The fundamental idea behind OOPs to create objects, reuse them in the program and then manipulate the objects to produce results. OOPs has information along with it’s behaviour(methods)… Continue reading OOps Concept in Java Programming

Categorized as Java

Array in PHP

An array contains multiple values in a single variable: Example The $cars array is an array(“Bolero”, “Alto”, “Safari”); echo “I like ” . $cars[0] . “, ” . $cars[1] . ” and ” . $cars[2] . “. “; ?> What is an Array in PHP? An array in PHP refers to a variable that holds… Continue reading Array in PHP

Categorized as PHP

PHP Foreach Loop

The foreach PHP construct is the most efficient method of iterating all elements of an array. It is a function that works with arrays and objects too. While the foreach loop is able to iterate through an array, its execution is streamlined and completes the loop faster relative to. This allocates memory to index iterations,… Continue reading PHP Foreach Loop

Categorized as PHP

How to download and install Java JDK packages

Installing JDK (Java) on 64 bit Windows or macOS Go to Oracle’s OpenJDK JDK binaries for desktop or laptop Windows, macOS, and Linux are available on release-specific pages of as .tar.gz or .zip archives. Iinstall Java on 64 bit Windows machines in this step-by-step guide Navigate the Oracle Java Download PageNavigate to the Java… Continue reading How to download and install Java JDK packages

Categorized as Java

Java Sting Length

The Java String class length() method finds the length of a string. The length of the Java string is the same as the Unicode code units of the string. This method calculates how long a string is that is greater than the amount of 16 bit Unicode characters contained in the string. string.length(): This functioncan… Continue reading Java Sting Length

Categorized as Java