Top HTML Interview Questions and Answers
HTML is one of the most widely used languages to develop web pages. Here you can learn both the basic as well as advanced portions of HTML. It is helpful for freshers as well as experienced candidates. So, if you are planning to start your career in Web Development I hope These HTML Interview Questions and Answers would help you much to clear the interviews successfully at the first attempt.
1. Are the HTML elements and tags are the same thing?
No. HTML elements are defined as the beginning tag, but they can also include some content, and an ending tag. For instance,
Heading 1
It’s an HTML element, but it’s just
is a tag used to start as well as
is a final tag.
2. What are attributes and tags in HTML?
Tags are the principal element of HTML which defines the way that content is formatted or structured, while attributes are utilized together with HTML tags in order to specify the attributes that the elements have. For instance,
The align attribute is the one by which we align the paragraph so that it is that it is in the middle of the screen.
3. What are void elements within HTML?
HTML elements that do not have closing tags , or don’t need to be closed are Void components. For Example
, , , etc.
4. What’s the benefit of the collapse of white space?
In HTML, the whitespace characters are treated as one space character. because the browser combines multiple spaces into one space character, this allows the developer indent lines of text without having to worry about multiple spaces, and ensures accessibility and readability of HTML code.
5. What are HTML Entities?
In HTML certain characters are reserved such as ‘<‘, ‘>’, ‘/’, and. In order to use these characters on our website, we must make use of the entity characters known as HTML Entities. Below are a few mappings of the reserved characters and the entity character that can be utilized.
Character Entity Name Entity Number
< < <
> > >
& & &
(non-breaking space) Eg. 10 PM Eg.
10 PM
6. What are <br> tags in HTML?
Answer: <br> tags are used to enter a new line into the HTML contents. These tags are generally used to separate two different lines of text between each other.
7. What is the attribute ‘class’ in HTML?
The class attribute is used to define the name of the class for the HTML element. Multiple elements within HTML can share the same class name. It is also used to connect the styles defined in the stylesheet to the HTML elements.
8. What’s the distinction between ‘id’ attribute and class attribute in HTML elements?
Multiple elements within HTML may have the same value for class while the ID attribute of one element can’t be associated in any way with the value of another HTML element.
9. Define the multipart form of data?
Multiplepart data in forms is among the attributes of the attribute enctype. It’s used to transmit information from the file on the server side to process. The other valid values of the enctype attribute are text/plain and application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
10. Explain the HTML’s layout.
Each web page comes with various components that show the content intended and provide a distinct user interface. There are a certain elements that are templates and are a globally recognized as a way of structuring the web page, for instance:
The information stored is the initial information about the page.
The last section of the page.
The menu for navigation on the HTML page.
It’s a set of data.
It is utilized within an article block in order to establish the primary layout of the page.
Content of the sidebar on the page.
11. Is an image map a thing?
Image map lets you connect many websites using just one image. It is represented using tag. You can specify patterns in images that you would like to include as part in an image map.
12. How do I add a copyright symbol to an internet page?
You can add an icon of copyright making use of (c) as well as (c) within your HTML file.
13. What are the different types of Doctypes that are available?
The three types of Doctypes that are available include:
Strict Doctype
Transitional Doctype
Frameset Doctype
14. How can I indicate the character set utilized by a document in HTML?
Character sets are defined by tag inside element.
15. Does the hyperlink only work for text?
It is not possible to utilize hyperlinks on text as well as images too. It is the HTML anchor tag is the hyperlink that connects an individual page to another. Its “href” attribute defines the most significant element that is part of anchor tags. HTML anchor tag.
Link Text
16. What’s a Style Sheet?
A style sheet can be used to construct a consistent portable, as well-designed and styled template. It is possible to add these templates to a variety of websites. The template describes the appearance and format of a document that is written in markup language.
17. Is it possible to show a web page within an existing web page? Is nesting of web pages feasible?
Yes, we are able to display the web page within the context of another HTML website. HTML includes tags
18. What makes Cell Padding different from Cell Spacing?
Cell Spacing refers to the space or space between two consecutive cells. In contrast, cell Padding is the gap or space between the textor content of the cell as well as the border/ edge within the cell. Refer to the previous image to understand the distinction.
19. How do we join two or more columns into one row or column of the HTML table?
HTML includes the table attribute “rowspan” along with “colspan” to create cells span multiple columns and rows.
20. Can you change an element inline into an element that is block-level?
Yes, it’s possible with”display” property “display” property, with its value of “block” to transform the inline element to the block-level element.
21. How many tags could be used to segregate sections of text?
3 tags can be used in order to segregate the words. Tags are usually used to break the lines of text. It cuts off the current line, and then carries the flow of the text to the next line.
22. How can I make a picture that is a backdrop image web pages?
To make a photo background image to use on web pages it is necessary to include the following tag code following the tag.
In this case, replace “image.gif” in the filename of the image file you wish to show on your web page.
23. What’s the main difference between “display no display” and “visibility hiding” when they are used as attributes of an HTML element.
If we choose to use the attribute “visibility concealed” in the case of an HTML element, the element will disappear from the page, but it occupies the space. If we choose to use the “display no display” attribute of an HTML element, the element will disappear and will not fill up any space on the page.
24. What’s the purpose in a span-tag? Provide an example.
The span tag is utilized for the following purposes:
In order to add color to text
To create background for text
Highlight any text that is colored
In this post, we will use span.
25. What’s the purpose of an Iframe tag?
Iframes are employed to show a web page inside a web.
Link to a target:
26. Differential ties between link tags and anchor tag ?
The anchor tag can be utilized to create a link to another website or to an area of the page. These hyperlinks are clickable, while the link tag defines a link between a document and an external resource and these are not clickable.
27. How to include javascript code in HTML?
HTML provides a <script> tag using which we can run the javascript code and make our HTML page more dynamic.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<span>This is a demo for </span>
<u><span id=”demo”></span></u>
document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = “script Tag”
28. Does a!DOCTYPE HTML> have a!DOCTY tag is an HTML tag?
The!DOCTYPE HTML> is not the one. Declaration isn’t an HTML tag. There are many types of HTML e.g. HTML 4.01 Strict, HTML 4.01 Transitional, HTML 4.01 Frameset, XHTML 1.0 Strict, XHTML 1.0 Transitional, XHTML 1.0 Frameset, XHTML 1.1 etc. So, It is used to inform the browser on how to navigate to it’s HTML page.
29. The canvas element is what it does of HTML5?
Your browser is not compatible with the HTML5 canvas tag.
30. What is SVG?
HTML SVG describes two-dimensional vectors and vector/raster images. SVG image and its behavior are described within XML texts files. Also, as XML files, it is possible to create and modify an SVG image using an editor for text. SVG is typically used to create diagrams of a vector format, such as pie charts, graphs with 2-dimensional dimensions in an Xand the Y coordinate system.
31. What are the benefits of HTML5 over predecessors?
A few benefits of HTML5 are:
It has Multimedia Support.
It can archive offline data by with the help of SQL databases as well as application cache.
Javascript is able to be executed as background.
HTML5 lets users draw different shapes, including circles, rectangles and triangles.
New Semantic tags and Form Control tags.
32. How do we incorporate video or audio in the web page?
HTML5 includes two tags:
33. Block and inline components in HTML5?
Inline Block and Inline elements only consume the space required for the content. It does not begin at the beginning of the a new line.
Example:- , , , , , ,
34. What is the main difference between Tag and tag?
The tag defines the self-contained content such as diagrams, images code snippets, diagrams, etc. Tags are utilized to categorize the content of an image such as image caption caption, image and so on. The tag can be utilized to embed the image inside the HTML5 document.
35. What metadata should be specified in HTML5?
To clarify, we can use tag which is a void tag,i.e., it does not have a closing tag. Some of the attributes used with meta tags are name, content, http-equiv, etc. The below image tells how to specify the metadata.
- Name the tags to separate a section of texts?
The <br>tag separates line after line. Meaning that it breaks the current flow and takes it to the next line.
Paragraph <p> tag changes the paragraph of the text.
37. Define Image Map?
Image Map lets a developer connect different elements of an image to different websites. It is possible to achieve this using the tag tag HTML5 tag in HTML5, with which we can connect images that have clickable areas.
38. What are Semantic Elements?
Semantic elements define the specific meaning for the user and to the developer. Elements such as
, ,
and so on. They are all semantic elements.
39. Convert below data to Tabular format. HTML5?, Language, Most often used to describe
1, HTML, FrontEnd
2, CSS, FrontEnd
3, Python, BackEnd
41. What are the various browsers that can support HTML5?
Every modern browser supports HTML5 elements, with the exception of some older browsers. However, the majority of them will accept HTML5 elements inline.
41. Drag and Drop is possible with HTML5 and what is the procedure?
Yes In HTML5 you can drop and drag elements. This is accomplished by with the help of drag and drop events that are used in conjunction for the element that we wish to move and drop.
42. If I do not put Will HTML 5 be effective?
The browser won’t be able to recognize that it is an HTML document. HTML 5 tags don’t perform as they should.
43. What types of audio files are able to be played with HTML5?
HTML5 supports the three different types of audio file formats:
44. What’s the significance of the attribute required in HTML5?
It requires the user to write a message in the field for text or area prior to submitting the form. It is utilized for form validation.
45. What are the new types for form validation in HTML5?
The new input options for validation of forms include email URL, number da, and tel.
46. What are Tags?
HTML tags consist of three elements An opening tag, content and an closing tag. Certain tags are not closed tags.
47. Are all HTML tags include the tag “end?
No. There are a few HTML tags that do not require closing tags. For instance: tag,
48. What’s new with the relationship between and tags are included in HTML5?
As HTML5 was about improving semantics and arrangement of elements and tags the tag defines the header area of the web page. As opposed to the earlier version, there was a header section. component for the entire web page it is now the header of a particular section, for example. or. In accordance with the HTML5 specification the HTML5 specification states that each At a minimum, the element must contain at least one tag.
49. Semantic HTML is what it’s all about?
Semantic HTML is a style of coding. It makes use of HTML markup to improve the meaning or semantics of the text. For instance: in semantic HTML, the semantic HTML tag cannot be utilized to make bold statements, just as the tags are used to indicate italic. Instead, we make use of tags.
50. How do you keep the list of elements within the HTML file?
You can keep the list of elements in order by making indents.
51. Are you able to create multi-colored text for a web page?
Yes. To create a multicolor text for web pages, you can utilize to color the text for the specific text you’d like to for the specific text you want to.
52. Can you change how the bullet’s color appears?
Its color is what is the hue of first text on the list. Therefore, if you wish to alter your bullet’s color, you need to alter that color for the first text.
53. What is the layout of HTML?
HTML layout describes the manner that the web page is organized.
54. Is a marquee a sign?
Marquee is used to place the text that scrolls on a website page. It can scroll the text or image either left, up, or right by itself. The text should be placed in the area that you would like to scroll in the …… tag. More details.
55. Which elements are not empty?
HTML elements without content are known as empty elements.
56. What are the different entities that are in HTML?
The HTML characters can be used to substitute for reserved characters that are not available in HTML. You may also substitute characters that aren’t on your keyboard with entities. These characters are substituted because certain characters are reserved by HTML.
57. What is the difference between vector and raster images?
Raster Images- The image referred to as a raster is determined in terms of the order of the pixels on grids, and the exact color each pixel is supposed to be. A few raster file formats are PNG(.png), JPEG(.jpg) and others.
Vector Images – A vector image is created by using algorithms that use shape and path definitions which are used in rendering the images onto screen with the same marking style. The extension of the file is
58. How do I enable SVG in older browsers?
To make old browsers compatible instead of defining the resource for the svg file in the src attribute of tag it should be specified in the srcset attribute, and in the src attribute the fallback png file should be identified.
59. What is the reason a URL is coded into HTML?
A URL is encoded to transform non-ASCII characters into the format that can be utilized on the Internet since a URL can be transmitted via the Internet using the ASCII character-set alone. If a URL includes characters that aren’t part of the ASCII set the URL must be transformed. The characters that aren’t ASCII are replaced by an “%” followed by Hexadecimal digits.
60. What are the kinds of new forms element types that are available that are available in HTML 5?
Here are a list of the top 10 elements that are frequently used within HTML 5:
61. What is the Geolocation API in HTML5?
Geolocation API can be used to communicate your physical address of user with websites. This allows the websites to serve local content as well as a distinctive experience to the user depending on where they are. This is a new property in an object that is called the Global Navigator. majority of modern browsers can support this.
62. What is the meaning of formatting in HTML?
The HTML formatting process is the method of formatting text to give it an improved appearance and feel. It makes use of various tags to create bold, italicized or underlined. More details.
63. How many different types of headings do HTML have?
The HTML includes six kinds of headings that are identified using the from tags. Each kind of heading tag has a different text sizes from one another. So, is the biggest heading tag, and is the tiniest. For instance:
Heading number. 1
Heading number. 2
Heading number. 3
Heading number. 4
Heading number. 5
Heading number. 6
64 Is there a need to update the web browsers in order to support HTML5?
No. Most internet browsers (updated versions) have support for HTML 5. For example, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE.
65. What video formats is accepted by HTML5?
HTML 5 supports three different types of video formats:
66. The difference is between the term “progress” and “meter” tag?
The tag for progress is used to indicate the progression of the task but the meter tag serves to quantify data within a specified interval.
67. What is a button tag?
It is employed within HTML 5. It’s used to make an option to click within the HTML form of the website page. It’s usually used to create an “submit” or “reset” button. We will look at the code used to show the button.
68. What’s the purpose of summary tags and details?
The tag details can be used to define extra information on the website. It can be displayed or hidden upon request. The summary tag is utilized in conjunction with the details tag.
69. How do you write the design of the HTML template?
The layout of the HTML template is as follows:
70. Determine Semantic elements within HTML.
Response: Semantic elements can be described as HTML elements that convey its significance to the user and browser regarding its content.
71. We can alter the attribute’s value in the HTML tag in a dynamic way?
Yes, we are able to alter the value of attributes using JavaScript. The following is the element that’s attribute value will be changed from text to password JScript code that will modify attributes value document.getElementById(“inputField”).attr(“type”, “password”)
72. How do we add comments to HTML?
The answer is that comments are utilized by programmers to keep overview of the functionality of code and assist other developers to understand the functionality of the code. The outlines that you comment on will not show within the web browser. To make a comment on a line, the line must begin with this. Comments can be made on only one line, or from several lines.
73. Are we able to convert inline elements to block-level elements?
Yes, we are able to transform inline elements into block-level elements by using displays equal to the block within their CSS tag. By writing it, we can change inline elements to block elements, and the inline elements will be able to be able to fill the entire dimensions that the containers can cover.
74. Can the text appear outside the browser?
This is true only if the width of the predefined table is wider than the browser’s width .
75. What are the differences between ordered and unordered lists?
As the name suggests, ordered lists are the ones that are numbered and in a given sequence. Whereas, unordered lists do not follow any order and use bullets.
Learn These 11 Questions and crack HTML Interview smartly
Q1. Semantic Tags in HTML5?
Q2. Difference between <b> tag and <strong> tag?
Q3. Use of alt attribute in <img> tag?
Q4. How to embed Google Map on the contact page?
Q5. How to embed YouTube Video on Webpage?
Q6. How to link external CSS file in HTML?
Q6. Span tag in HTML?
Q7. HTML5 Features?
Q8. Advantages of SVG in HTML?
Q9. How to use favicon in HTML?
Q10. Audio and Video tag in HTML5?
Q11. How to use copyright symbol in HTML?