1 | .COM | Commercial |
2 | 4WD | Four Wheel Drive(FWD |
3 | ABS | Anti Lock Braking |
4 | ABS | Anti-lock Braking System |
5 | AD | Anno Domini |
6 | ADS | Advanced Design System |
7 | AICTE | All India Council for Technical Education |
8 | AIIMS (एम्स) | All India Institutes of Medical Sciences |
9 | AM (एएम) | Ante Meridiem |
10 | ANM (एएनएम) | Auxiliary Nurse Midwife |
11 | APMC | Agricultural Produce Market Committee |
12 | AR | Automatic Recall |
13 | ARAI | Automotive Research Association of India |
14 | ATM ( एटीएम ) | Automated teller machine |
15 | ba full form in hindi | Bachelor of Arts |
16 | BBA ( बीबीए ) | Bachelor of Business Administration |
17 | BBA (बीबीए) | Bachelor of Business Administration |
18 | BCA (बीसीए) | Bachelor of Computer Application |
19 | BE | Bachelor of Engineering |
20 | BHP | Brake Horse Power |
21 | BIT | Binary digit |
22 | BMEP | Brake Mean Effective Pressure |
23 | BMW ( बीएमडब्ल्यू) | Bavarian Motor Works |
24 | BMW (बीएमडब्लू) | BAVARIAN MOTOR WORKS |
25 | BPO (बीपीओ) | Business Process Outsourcing |
26 | BSc (बीएससी) | Bachelor of Science |
27 | BSF (बीएसफ) | Border Security Force |
28 | BSFC | Brake Specific Fuel Consumption |
29 | C.I ENGINE | Compression Ignition Engine |
30 | CA (सीए) | Chartered Accountant |
31 | CAN | Campus Area Network |
32 | CC | Cubic Capacity |
33 | CCC (सीसीसी) | Course on Computer Concepts |
34 | CCTV (सीसीटीवी) | Closed-circuit television |
35 | CCVTI | Controlled Combustion Variable Timing Ignition |
36 | CDI | Capacitor Discharge Ignition |
37 | CEO ( सीईओ ) | Chief Executive Officer |
38 | CFL (सीएफएल) | Compact fluorescent lamps |
39 | CISF(सीआइएसएफ) | Central Industrial Security Force |
40 | CM (सीएम) | Chief Minister |
41 | CMO (सीएमओ) | Chief Media Officer |
42 | CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
43 | Computer (कंप्यूटर) | Computer |
44 | CRDI | Common Rail Direct Injection |
45 | CV (सीवी) | curriculum vitae |
46 | CVTI | Charged motion Variable Time Ignition |
47 | DAV (डीएवी) | Dayanand Anglo Vedic |
48 | DFI | Digital Fuel Injection |
49 | DGP (डीजीपी) | Director General of Police |
50 | DI | Digital Interface |
51 | DI ENGINE | Direct Injection Engine |
52 | DJ (डीजे) | Disc Jockey |
53 | DNA (डीएनए) | Deoxyribonucleic acid |
54 | DNS | Domain Name System |
55 | DO | Demi Official |
56 | DOHC | Double Overhead Camshaft |
57 | Dr (डॉ) | Doctor |
58 | DRDO (डीआरडीओ) | Defence Research and Development Organisation |
59 | DTO | District Transport Officer |
60 | DTSI | Digital Twin Spark Ignition |
61 | E.g. | Exempli gratia |
62 | EBD | Electronic Brakeforce Distribution |
63 | EC ENGINE | External Combustion Engine |
64 | ECG (ईसीजी) | electrocardiogram |
65 | ECS | Electronic Clearing System |
66 | EGR | Exhaust Gas Recirculation |
67 | Email (ईमेल) | Electronic Mail |
68 | EMI ( ईएमआई ) | Equated Monthly Installment |
69 | EN | Enterprise Network |
70 | ERP (ईआरपी) | Enterprise Resource Planning |
71 | ESC | Electronic Stability Control) |
72 | ESR (ईएसआर) | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
73 | ETC | Et cetera |
74 | EVRV | Electronic Vacuum Regulator Valve |
75 | EWS (ईडब्लुएस) | Economically Weaker Section |
76 | FAC | Fine Arts College |
77 | FCI | Food corporation of India |
78 | FDI (एफडीआई) | foreign direct investment |
79 | FHP | Frictional Horse Power |
80 | FICCI (फिक्की) | Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
81 | FIR (एफआईआर) | first information report |
82 | FMCG | Fast Moving Consumer Goods |
83 | FOR | Freight on Road |
84 | Friend | Fight for you. |
85 | FRM | Financial Risk Manager |
86 | FSSAI | Food Safety and Standards Authority of India |
87 | GDP (जीडीपी) | Gross Domestic Product |
88 | GDP (जीडीपी) | Gross Domestic Product |
89 | GET | Graduate Engineer Trainee |
90 | GMT (जीएमटी) | Greenwich Mean Time |
91 | GO | Guild Officer |
92 | GPF (जीपीएफ) | General Provident Fund |
93 | GPRS(जीपी आर एस) | General Packet Radio Service |
94 | GPS(जीपीएस) | Global Positioning System |
95 | GST (जीएसटी) | Goods and Services Tax |
96 | GVW | Gross Vehicle Weight |
97 | HCV | Heavy Commercial Vehicle |
98 | HIV (एचआईवी) | Human immunodeficiency virus |
99 | HP (एचपी) | Hewlett Packard |
100 | HR (एचआर) | Human Resources |
101 | HSC (एचएससी) | Higher Secondary Certificate |
102 | HTML (एचटीएमएल) | Hyper Text Markup Language |
103 | HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
104 | HVAC | Heating ventilating and Air Conditioning |
105 | IA | Indian Airlines |
106 | IAS (आईएएस) | Indian Administrative Service |
107 | ibps (आईबीपीएस) | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection |
108 | IC ENGINE | Internal Combustion Engine |
109 | ICU ( आईसीयू ) | Intensive Care Unit |
110 | IHP | Indicated Horse Power |
111 | IIT (आईआईटी) | Indian Institutes of Technology |
112 | IMEP | Indicated Mean Effective Pressure |
113 | Internet | Inter Network |
114 | IPL (आईपीएल) | Indian Premier League |
115 | ips full form in hindi | Indian Police Service |
116 | IQ (आईक्यू) | Intelligence Quotient |
117 | ISFC | Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption |
118 | IST | Indian Standard Time |
119 | IT (आईटी) | Information Technology |
120 | iti full form in hindi | Industrial training institute |
121 | ITS | Institute for Telecommunications Sciences |
122 | JCB | Joseph Cyril Bamford |
123 | KFC ( केएफसी ) | Kentucky Fried Chicken |
124 | KISS | Keep It Simple, Stupid |
125 | KPH | Kilometer Per Hour |
126 | KPL | Kilometer Per Liter |
127 | KYC (केवाईसी) | Know your customer |
128 | LCD (एलसीडी) | Liquid crystal display |
129 | LCV | Light Commercial Vehicle |
130 | LED (एलईडी) | light emitting diode |
131 | LKG (एलकेजी) | Lower Kindergarten |
132 | LLB ( एलएलबी ) | Bachelor of Laws |
133 | LOVE (लव) | Language Of Valuable Emotions |
134 | LPG (एलपीजी) | liquid petroleum gas |
135 | LSPV | Load Sensing Proportioning valve) |
136 | MBA (एमबीए) | Master of Business Administration |
137 | MC (एमसी) | Menstrual cycle |
138 | MCB (एमसीबी) | miniature circuit breaker |
139 | ME | Master of Engineering |
140 | MLA (एमएलए) | Member of the Legislative Assembly |
141 | MMS (एमएमएस) | Multimedia Messaging Service |
142 | MP (एमपी) | member of parliament |
143 | MPFI | Multi Point Fuel Injection |
144 | MRF | Madras Rubber Factory |
145 | MRI (एमआरआई) | Magnetic resonance imaging |
146 | MSG (एमएसजी) | Monosodium glutamate |
147 | MSP | Minimum Support Price |
148 | MUV | Multi Utility Vehicle |
149 | NAD | Network Attached Device |
150 | NASA (नासा) | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
151 | NCC (एनसीसी) | National Cadet Corps |
152 | NCR ( एनसीआर ) | National Capital Region |
153 | ncvt (एनसीवीटी) | National Council for Vocational Training |
154 | NDA (एनडीए) | National Democratic Alliance |
155 | NDRF (एनडीआरएफ) | National Disaster Response Force |
156 | NEFT (एनईएफटी) | National Electronic Funds Transfer |
157 | NGO (एनजीओ ) | Non-governmental organization |
158 | NIT | National Institutes of Technology |
159 | NNTO | No Need To Open |
160 | NP | Nurse Practitioner |
161 | NPT | Nuclear Power Training |
162 | NREGA (नरेगा) | National Rural Employment Guarantee Act |
163 | NRI ( एनआरई ) | Non Resident Indian |
164 | NYC | New York City |
165 | OBC (ओबीसी) | Other Backward Class |
166 | OBD | On Board Diagnose |
167 | OCR | optical character recognition |
168 | OD | Over Draft |
169 | ODF | Open Document Format |
170 | OHV | Over Head Valve |
171 | ONGC (ओएनजीसी) | Oil and Natural Gas Corporation |
172 | ORG | Organization |
173 | OS (ओएस) | Operating System |
174 | OT | Occupational Therapy |
175 | PAC ( पीएसी) | Provincial Armed Constabulary |
176 | PC (पीसी) | Personal Computer |
177 | pcs full form in hindi | Provincial Civil Services |
178 | PDF (पीडीएफ) | Portable Document Format |
179 | PDS | Public Distribution System |
180 | PF (पीएफ) | Provident Fund |
181 | PG (पीजी) | Post Graduate |
182 | PGDCA (पीजीडीसीए) | Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications |
183 | Phd (पीएचडी) | Doctor of Philosophy |
184 | PIC | Physical Interface Card |
185 | PM (पीएम) | Post Meridiem |
186 | POLICE ( पुलिस ) | Polite Obedient Loyal Intelligent Courageous and Efficient |
187 | POP ( पॉप ) | Post Office Protocol |
188 | POST | Power-On Self-Test |
190 | PUC | Pollution Under Control |
191 | PWD ( पीडब्ल्यूडी ) | Public Works Department |
192 | RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
193 | RITES (राइट्स) | Rail India Technical and Economic Service Limited |
194 | RO (आरओ) | Reverse osmosis |
195 | RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
196 | RSS (आरएसएस) | Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh |
197 | RTGS (आरटीजीएस) | Real time gross settlement system |
198 | RTI (आरटीआई) | RIGHT TO INFORMATION |
199 | RTO | Regional Transport Office/ Road Transport Office |
200 | SAARC (सार्क) | South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation |
201 | SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers |
202 | SC (एससी) | SCHEDULED CASTE |
203 | SDM ( एसडीएम ) | Sub-Divisional Magistrate |
204 | SDO (एसडीओ) | Sub Divisional Officer |
205 | SEBI (सेबी) | Securities and Exchange Board of India |
206 | SET | Secure Electronic Transactions |
207 | SFC | Specific Fuel Consumption |
208 | SHO (एसएचओ) | Station House Officer |
209 | SI ENGINE | Spark Ignition Engine |
210 | SMS (एसएमएस) | Short Message Service |
211 | SO (एसओ) | Station Officer |
212 | SOHC | Single Over Head Camshaft |
213 | SRS | Supplemental Restraint System |
214 | SSC (एसएससी) | Staff Selection Commission |
215 | ST (एसटी) | Scheduled Tribes |
216 | SUV | Sport Utility Vehicle |
217 | SUV | Sport Utility Vehicle |
218 | SUV | Sport Utility Vehicle |
219 | TB (टीबी) | Tuberculosis |
220 | TC | Traction Control |
221 | TDI | Turbocharged Direct Injection |
222 | TDS (टीडीएस) | Tax Deducted at Source |
223 | TSP (टीएसपी) | Thrift Savings Plan |
224 | TVS | Thirukkurungudi Vengaram Sundram |
225 | TVS | Thirukkurungudi Vengaram Sundram |
226 | UAE ( यूऐई ) | United Arab Emirates |
227 | UAE (यूएई) | United Arab Emirates |
228 | UGC (यूजीसी) | University Grants Commission |
229 | unesco (यूनेस्को) | The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
230 | unicef (यूनिसेफ) | The United Nations Children’s Fund |
231 | UP | Uttar Pradesh |
232 | UPA (यूपीए) | United Progressive Alliance |
233 | UPSC (यूपीएससी) | Union Public Service Commission |
234 | UR | User Register |
235 | USD | United States Dollars |
236 | VDB | Ventilated Disc Brake |
237 | VDO | Video Display Operator |
238 | VGT | Variable Geometry Turbocharger |
239 | VIA | Virtual Interface Architecture |
240 | VRS (वीआरएस) | Voluntary Retirement Scheme |
241 | VTVT | Variable Timing Valve Train |
242 | VVTI | Variable Valve Timing |
243 | WGT | Waste Gas Turbocharger |
244 | WHO (डब्ल्यूएचओ) | World Health Organization |
245 | ZWD | Two Wheel Drive |