Python is an interactive, high-level, interpreted, interoperable, object-oriented and general-purpose programming language. It was developed by Guido van Rossum between 1985 and 1990. Python source code can also be found under the GNU General Public License, (GPL) just like Perl. This tutorial provides sufficient information about Python programming language.
Python is a high-level, object-oriented programming language that can be used for simple purposes.
Python can also be used to interpret scripting languages. Guido Van Rossum is the creator of Python programming.
What is Python and Why Should You Learn It?
Python is an object-oriented, high-level scripting language that can be interpreted and interacted with. Python is highly readable. It uses English keywords often, while other languages use punctuation. Additionally, it uses fewer syntactical constructs than other languages.
Python is very easy to learn. Its syntax and code are very easy to understand.
Python can be used for many purposes. It is used to develop web applications, data science, and rapid application development.
Python is a programming language that allows you to create programs with fewer lines than other languages.
Python’s popularity is increasing rapidly. It’s now one of the most used programming languages.
For professionals and students, Python is essential for becoming a great Software Engineer, especially if they work in the Web Development Domain. Here are some key benefits of learning Python.
Python is Interpreted: Python is executed at runtime by an interpreter. Your program can be executed without needing to be compile. This is similar to PHP and PERL.
Scripting. Python is a scripting language.
Open Source: Python is Open Source programming language.
Extensible: Python is an extensible programming language.
Python History
Guido van Rossum, a Netherland CWI worker, invented Python in 1991. The ABC programming language is the inspiration for Python, or you can call it the predecessor to Python.
The choosing of Python’s name is not an accident. Guido van Rossum loved the BBC’s comedy “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” at that time. He chose Python to be the name of his new programming language.
Python Characteristics
These are some of the most important features of Python Programming.
It supports OOP and functional programming as well as structured programming.
It can be used to create large applications or as a scripting language.
It supports dynamic type checking and provides high-level, dynamic data types.
It allows for automatic garbage collection.Python First Program
Python is other programming languages allows you to execute your code in a few lines. It will take you three lines to print “Hello” in Java.
public class Hello {
public static void main(String[] args){public static void main (String[] Arggs)|public static main(String[]args)|public staticvoid main(String[]args).
// Frist Program To Print Hello
We can also do it using just one Python statement.
Both programs will print identical results, but only one statement is required without using curly braces or semicolons in Python.
Why To Learn Python Programming?
Python is Interactive – You can interact directly with the Python interpreter to create your programs.
Python is Object Oriented – Python supports Object Oriented style of programming that encapsulates codes within objects.
Python is a Beginner’s Language – Python is a great programming language for beginners. It supports the development and testing of a variety of applications, from simple text processing to web browsers to games.
Python Applications
Python, as I mentioned earlier, is one of most used languages on the internet. Here are a few:
Python is easy to learn – It has few keywords, a simple structure and a clear syntax. This makes it easy for students to learn the language quickly.
Extension – The Python interpreter can be extended with low-level modules. These modules allow programmers to customize or add to their tools to make them more efficient.
A large standard library – Python’s bulk is portable and cross-platform-compatible on UNIX and Windows.
Python code is easier to read – It’s more easily defined and clearly visible to the eye.
Interactive Mode – Python supports interactive mode, which allows interactive testing of code snippets and debugging.
Easy to maintain – Python’s source codes are very easy to maintain.
Portable – Python runs on many different hardware platforms. It has the same interface across all platforms.
Databases – Python offers interfaces to major commercial databases.
GUI Programming – Python supports GUI programming. These applications can be ported to many system call, libraries, and windows systems such as Windows MFC and Macintosh.
Scalable – Python offers better support and structure for large programs than shell
Python Functional Programming
This tutorial will explain some of the most important tools in functional programming, such as lambda or recursive function. These functions can be used to accomplish complex tasks quickly and efficiently. We have defined a few functions that are important, including reduce, map and filter. Python has the functools module, which includes many functional programming tools. Learn more about functional programming by visiting the below.
Python Function
Python map() Function
Python functool Module
Python filter() Function
Python Lambda Function
Python reduce() Function
Python Frameworks and Libraries
Python is a versatile language with many libraries and frameworks that are widely used. Many fields like machine learning, artificial Intelligence, and web applications, etc. Some of the most popular frameworks and libraries are described here As follows:
Web development (Server-side) – Django Flask, Pyramid, CherryPy
GUI-based applications Tk, PyGTK, PyQt, PyJs, etc.
Machine Learning -TensorFlow and PyTorchScikit-learn, Matplotlib, Scipy, etc.
Mathematics – Numpy, Pandas, etc.