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What is JCP (Java Community Process) And JSR (Java Specification Requests)?

JCP is all part and parcel of this Java Community Process, whereby people who are interested can submit suggestions for improvements and (hopefully) be taken up and then implemented. The process is explained here.

JCP was introduced through Sun Microsystems on December, 1998. JCP was developed just three years after the development of Java. JCP is in existence and is doing well. Is it possible to attribute the success of Java platform solely to JCP?

I would like to present two crucial aspects of Java including that is, the JCP as well as the JSR within this post. Java users must be aware of these things and have has no excuse. Java community processes give the general public the chance to take part in the creation of and maintaining Java. Java platform is among the most beneficial aspects of Java. It lets us speak out to express our frustration or request a feature that we enjoy and transform the way Java works.

The Java Specification Request is the document that initiates an enhancement to Java. Java platform. If a member of the JCP program is able to see an opportunity to enhance this platform, they draft an JSR that outlines the opportunity and submit it to be revised. The JSR is then re-submitted to several stages before it is released or deleted. The following table lists the phases from the initial creation of the JSR until its release is the official website which we can use to register on it. By registering on the website, it allows us to access it more effectively however it doesn’t mean we are an JCP member. It is controlled by a membership program which we have to sign up separately. At the time of writing, we have the following options for registering as an JCP member.

JSR(Java Specification Request)

JSR is Java Specification Requests, which are basically request for changes to JSR, which refers to the Java languages, libraries, and other components.

Java Specification Requests comprise the exact descriptions of the proposed and final specification regarding using the Java platform. At any given moment, there are many JSRs going through the approval and review process.

In essence an Java Specification request is a formal, public standard document proposal created through an individual a group in the Java Community Process (JCP). It is a proposal for modifications, additions or enhancements in or enhancements to the Java technology platform.

JSR is a Java Specification Request. This document is sent for review by the PMO by any or all members to suggest the development of new specifications or major modification to an existing one. There are numerous Java technology specifications under development within the JCP program, such as the upcoming version of Java (tm) Micro Edition (Java ME(tm)), Java(tm) Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE(tm)) as well as Java(tm) Standard Edition (Java SE(tm)). JSR also refers to effort to develop specifications resulting from these suggestions. To view the JSRs look up the full list of all JSRs.

JSRs Java Specification Requests is an official proposal document to be used to define technical specifications and change (often we refer to it a changes request). A person or an organization may join the Java Community Process (JCP) and create their own software according to specifications specified in JSR. The proposed technical changes is reviewed by JCP members before they decide whether or not to approve it.

How can we get involved in (JSR)?

Java specification request (JSR) is the way that is provided by JCP to take part in it. JSR constitutes a written document which explains the technology requirement in detail. The JSR is initiated through an JCP member. It will go through multiple phases and then finally to be implemented. There will always be several JSRs at various stages.

I would suggest that you pick the JSR you like, and then join the mailing list. Make it the initial step. Read the JSR and try to comprehend the concept and follow it through various phases. Once it is adopted, you’ll be able to get a good control over it and could lead your to the next stage of actively taking part in the JSR.

Here four stages of the JSR

Initiation – The first step of the JSR It is just a suggestion that is made by a JCP member.

Early Draft Review – After the initialization is accepted, an expert group will be working on an preliminary draft of the JSR. JCP and executive committee members will examine the draft and then decide whether to approve the draft.

Public Draft – When the draft has been accepted, the specification moves to the public draft stage. The specification is then made available to the public for examination and then it is updated and a reference implementation developed, and a final draft is submitted to Executive Committee for approval.

Maintenance – After the final draft has been accepted, the specification moves into its maintenance stage. The specification is updated in response to clarifications, requests, and issues and also for improvements.

Categorized as Java

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