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Top 86 Banking Full Forms

1 ADB Asian Development Bank 2 ATM Automated teller machine, Air traffic management 3 BPL Below Poverty Line, British Physical Laboratories Group 4 CA Chartered Accountant 5 CAG Comptroller and Auditor General of India 6 CARE Credit Analysis & Research Ltd. 7 CBS Core banking solution 8 CCI Competition Commission of India 9 CCIL Clearing… Continue reading Top 86 Banking Full Forms

Categorized as Full Form

Important Full Forms List of 245

1 .COM Commercial 2 4WD Four Wheel Drive(FWD 3 ABS Anti Lock Braking 4 ABS Anti-lock Braking System 5 AD Anno Domini 6 ADS Advanced Design System 7 AICTE All India Council for Technical Education 8 AIIMS (एम्स) All India Institutes of Medical Sciences 9 AM (एएम) Ante Meridiem 10 ANM (एएनएम) Auxiliary Nurse Midwife… Continue reading Important Full Forms List of 245

Categorized as Full Form

General Full Forms

 1 AM/PM Ante Meridiem / Post Meridiem 2 ASAP As Soon As Possible 3 BTS BangTan Sonyeondan 4 CAA Citizen Amendment Act 5 CAB Citizen amendment Bill 6 CFL Compact fluorescent lamp 7 COO Chief Operating Officer 8 CV Curriculum Vitae 9 DP Display Picture 10 DSLR Digital Single Lens Reflex 11 DSP Deputy Superintendent… Continue reading General Full Forms

Categorized as Full Form

Local Environment Setup and JDK Downloading Step-by-Step

This section will help you download Java and set it up on your computer. These are the steps for setting up the environment. Java SE can be downloaded from the link Download Java. A version that is compatible with your operating system can be downloaded. Follow these instructions to download Java. Run the.exe file to… Continue reading Local Environment Setup and JDK Downloading Step-by-Step

Categorized as Java

Features of Java Programming Language

Java was initially a programming language created by Sun Microsystems by James Gosling. Oracle is now the owner of Sun and Java. Java is Oracle’s trademark. Java has become more than a language over time. Java is now a complete platform that includes standard APIs, open-source APIs, tools and a large developer community of millions. Although it may seem confusing,… Continue reading Features of Java Programming Language

Categorized as Java

Top 55 Questions for DCA/ADCA and CCC Students

1. Which of the cell pointer indicate that you can move the content to other cell?  A) Doctor’s symbol (Big Plus)  B) Small thin plus icon  C) Mouse Pointer with anchor at the tip  D) None of above 2. It is acceptable to let long text flow into adjacent cells on a worksheet when.  A)… Continue reading Top 55 Questions for DCA/ADCA and CCC Students

Java Test Module for Interview

Java Test Module for Interview 1.            The Java source code can be created in a Notepad editor.                 A.  True                 B.  False 2.            The Java Program is enclosed in a class definition.                 A.  True                 B.  False 3.            Java supports multidimensional arrays.                 A.  True                 B.  False 4.            The ++ operator is… Continue reading Java Test Module for Interview

Categorized as Java

Complete History of Java Programming

Java was developed in the 1990s by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems colleagues. Contrary to conventional languages, which are usually designed to either be compiled to machine code (native) or to be interpreted at runtime from source code, Java is not one of these. History of Java Programming James Gosling started Java in June 1991… Continue reading Complete History of Java Programming

Categorized as Java

Python Online From Deva Point Tutorial

Python is an interactive, high-level, interpreted, interoperable, object-oriented and general-purpose programming language. It was developed by Guido van Rossum between 1985 and 1990. Python source code can also be found under the GNU General Public License, (GPL) just like Perl. This tutorial provides sufficient information about Python programming language. Python is a high-level, object-oriented programming… Continue reading Python Online From Deva Point Tutorial

Categorized as Python

Questions and answers about Core Java Interviews for Freshers as well as Experienced

Q1) What’s the difference between an inner class and a sub-class? Ans. An Inner class is one that is nested in another class. An Inner Class has access rights for the class nesting it, and can access all variables as well as methods defined in the outer. A sub-class refers to a class inheriting from a… Continue reading Questions and answers about Core Java Interviews for Freshers as well as Experienced

Categorized as Java